Adminisrative Public Law
What concerns the Administrative Law? It is the relationship between state / government and citizen.
Administrative law defines the relationship between the state and the citizen. The organization of administrative services, operation and relations of administrative services to those they administer citizens. The organization of administrative services defines the composition, structure and conditions of service of employees. Regarding the administrative services function defines the powers and lays down the rules and procedures under which they are acting and adopting acts and decisions. Finally, regarding the relationship between administrative services and citizens, the law provides the means to protect the citizens from acts and omissions of the administration.
How does it affect us?
Because in all our activities we have an indirect or direct way to do business with the administration, understanding the importance of its function, the structure of its operations, and our rights and obligations toward it is, especially in our country crucial.
Indicative services
We undertake cases regarding disputes between the state and the individual being administered through legal proceedings, appeals and requests for cancellations before the administrative courts of each step.
We also offer comprehensive legal support throughout the process, from trying to achieve amicable resolution of the dispute (through treatment applications, appeals, hierarchical appeals to administrative procedures and special administrative appeals), by issuing irrevocable judicial decisions, in the following areas :
All manner of tax disputes, claims before the EDEFD (Commission for the Resolution of Tax Disputes), injunctions for a suspended application, processing and preparation of the entire procedure for the hearing before the compromise settlement of tax disputes and disputes committee, audited and unaudited handling of income tax cases.
Drafting complaints, actions and appeals on social security issues on an individual and collective basis, legal advice on pension matters, litigation benefits at retirement, resolving disputes arising from the operation of the health insurance branch public welfare bodies.
Administrative contracts, public works concession contracts and public service transactions with municipalities related to lease or real estate transaction, disputes arising from public procurement, contracts with public bodies abroad – regulating immunity issues.
Damages actions by local authorities and public entities from tort or contractual liability. Compensation for infringement of the right to equal treatment.
Civil service law, resolve issues concerning the status of civil servants, civil-criminal-disciplinary responsibility of civil servants, judicial protection.
Expropriation beneficiary identification operations, property law issues involved party governments (adverse possession cases against the State, legal distribution of co-owned by the State), settlements after the region joining the plan, issues inside and outside areas plan settlements pre-existing 1923, contributions of land and money and special categories settlements.